The idea to this bread came over when I was in 2019 visiting a popular Italian Pizzeria in Italy, but the real attraction was not the pizza, it was a very strange huge HOT DOG BUN. Airy, light, full of flavor like a Brioche, but definitely not greasy, not full of butter or sugar. It was decent and airy like a CRISTAL BREAD. The colour was light yellow and soft like a pillow.
Everybody knows, who bakes bread how difficult it is to get open crumb when You use sugar and fat in the dough. Bread can turn out light, but airy, with huge wholes, never. Like a professional I saw directly the technical know how behind this recipe and sure when I asked. I don’t get any answer. I considered, after the secret from ROY’s PANETTONE “FROM ROY” this is maybe the second secret in the bread world which is not cracked at the moment.
After back home I tried different recipes, but I cut not get it. Now these days of CORONA VIRUS time in Kuwait (March 2019) I tried it again. Each day, each month we have more knowledge and this time I was successful. The taste I think is very similar, also the crumb structure I get. Sure I don’t know the original recipe, but here I show you may way, which base on my STEP BY STEP FERMENTATION recipe from the C
IABATTA. I used here in Kuwait a flour with 10.4 % Protein, maybe W 240. I guess I can do much better with W 280-330.